Chi ha inventato l arancino siciliano?


Chi ha inventato l arancino siciliano?

Chi ha inventato l arancino siciliano?

L'origine di questa pietanza, come di tutte quelle a base di riso nell'Italia meridionale, è da collocare durante la dominazione araba, tra il IX e l'XI secolo. Gli Arabi avevano infatti l'abitudine di appallottolare un po' di riso allo zafferano nel palmo della mano, per poi condirlo con la carne di agnello.

Is arancini masculine or feminine?

  • There is considerable debate among Sicilians as to whether this dish should properly be called arancini (masculine) or arancine (feminine). You may have seen this dish spelled both ways.

What do you put on an arancini?

  • Meat, cheese and peas make for a classic aracini, but there are endless combinations of fillings, including pistachios, mushrooms, prosciutto, sausage, and mozzarella, ham, spinach, fontina, and more. Arancini can keep in the fridge for up to 5 days if covered.

Why is it called arancino?

  • In eastern Sicily, arancino is the term more commonly used and it's usually made in more pear-shaped form because, it's believed, the term comes from the name of the fruit in Sicilian dialect: arànciu. At this point, arancino has become the more widely diffused name, particularly in English-speaking countries.

Why are they called arancine rice balls?

  • You may have seen this dish spelled both ways. In western Sicily, it's argued that these rice balls are usually called arancine because that word means "little oranges;" the balls are round and like arancia, the word for orange in Italian.

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