Quali sono i valori corretti di colesterolo?

Quali sono i valori corretti di colesterolo?
Per il colesterolo “totale”, che esprime la quantità complessiva di colesterolo contenuto nelle varie lipoproteine, in individui sani si considera corretto un valore inferiore ai 200 mg/dl di sangue. I livelli di HDL, il colesterolo “buono”, non devono essere inferiori ai 40 mg/dl.
Is 208 cholesterol bad?
- When you ask about a cholesterol level of 208 we assume you are referring to the "bad" LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol that accumulates in the walls of the arteries and can cause all kinds of bad things, such as heart attack and stroke.
What is considered the good cholesterol?
- HDL is considered the “good” cholesterol that will help protect you from cardiovascular disease. High-density cholesterol carries the “bad” LDL cholesterol away from the arteries back to the liver, which breaks it down and eliminates it from the body. Was this page helpful?
What raises LDL level?
- Foods that contain trans fat, saturated fat and cholesterol can raise LDL levels. Cholesterol is found in every cell in your body, according to an article from MedLinePlus. It helps your body produce hormones and vitamin D. Even though it's important, you don't need any extra cholesterol through your diet. Your body makes enough.