Come funziona impianto GPL su diesel?

Come funziona impianto GPL su diesel?
Impianto GPL su diesel: come funziona La miscela composta da diesel e da GPL arriva nella camera di combustione dove viene mescolata con l'aria. La pressione esercitata dal pistone in risalita incendia il gasolio che a sua volta innesca anche il GPL, avviando la fase di detonazione.
What is a dual fuel engine?
- This dual fuel engine converts diesel or natural gas efficiently, and can switch from one fuel to another without any fluctuations in speed or output. It's also possible to easily upgrade our MAN 51/60 engine to dual fuel capability if necessary. Also available with two-stage turbocharging.
What is the BMEP rating of a dual fuel engine?
- On a methane gas a rating of 1.3 MPa bmep can be achieved without risk of detonation. If the engine is to conform to BS 649 ratings the unit as a ‘dual-fuel engine’ will therefore have a ‘continuous’ rating of 1.2 MPa to allow for the 10% overload on dual-fuel for 1 hour.
What is the thermal efficiency of a dual-fuel engine?
- The thermal efficiency of the dual-fuel engine is 36%, so that the availability of gas at a price 10% less than that of fuel oil makes it worthy of consideration. As discussed, a dual-fuel engine is usually a modified diesel engine.
What are the operation test results of the dual-fuel engine?
- The operation test results of the dual-fuel engine are explained. Two operation modes exist for the engine. In the diesel mode, it is compliant with the IMO NO x Tier II regulation and cleared the NO x regulation value by the combustion improvement.