What is the relationship between Walter and Jesse?


What is the relationship between Walter and Jesse?

What is the relationship between Walter and Jesse?

Seems that Jesse regards Walt as a father/authority figure. He calls him Mr White for most of the episodes. Meanwhile, Walt seems to regard Jesse as someone to be used and manipulated. It is in Walt's relationship to Jesse that we learn how corrupted he becomes.

What happened between Jesse and Walter?

Though Walt is initially willing to meet with Jesse to talk things through, he eventually sics Jack Welker (Michael Bowen) and his neo-Nazi goons on Jesse, which inadvertently leads to the murder of Hank. After that, Walt legitimately decides he wants Jesse dead, and his rage is incandescent.

Is Walter Jesse's dad?

Jesse has three potential father figures at various points in Breaking Bad, and although Walt is high on the list, he is not the top candidate. First, there's Jesse's biological dad, Adam Pinkman. He is the man who Jesse shares DNA with but little else.

Who are Jesse and Walter?

The relationship between Walter White, a chemistry teacher with cancer, and Jesse Pinkman, a young drug dealer, remains one of television's greatest of all time. Over the course of Breaking Bad's five-year run, the pair develop an unlikely relationship that grew due to the mutual needs being met by one another.

Did Walt really love Jesse?

Walt DEFINITELY cared for Jesse! Sure, he used him occasionally to get stuff done but there is no doubt that he loved him. Many will argue that his love and care was only because he needed him. Here are a few instances that show that he did indeed care for him / like him.

Why is Jesse loyal to Walt?

Jesse always adresses him as «Mr. White», and Walter loves this. He loves how he so easily can manipulate Jesse into doing and being whatever he needs him to be. And he is proud of him, being able to follow his footsteps, becoming an exellent meth-cook, (because his blue meth is his life-work after all).

Why did Walt give up Jesse?

I think he saw the depths to which he had condemned Jesse by leaving him to Todd. Walt intended to go out with the Aryans, a quick painless death by M60. He forfeited that plan in order to save Jesse. Instead he died a slow death from a piece of shrapnel.

Did Walt actually care about Jesse?

Walt DEFINITELY cared for Jesse! Sure, he used him occasionally to get stuff done but there is no doubt that he loved him. Many will argue that his love and care was only because he needed him. Here are a few instances that show that he did indeed care for him / like him.

Is Jesse Pinkman a good guy?

Originally Answered: Is Jesse from Breaking Bad a good guy or a bad guy? No, Walter White is the villain in Breaking Bad and probably the worst villain in the show until that white supremacist drug dealer gang shows up. Jesse Pinkman is a flawed and troubled person, and definitely not a hero.

Does Jesse ever meet Walt Jr?

Walter White Jr. (RJ Mitte) was the only main character in Breaking Bad that never interacted with Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul). Both appeared in all five seasons of the award-winning AMC series.

Did Walt ever care for Jesse?

  • Like their relationship itself, a bit of a gray area. Walt did - and up until the moment he dies, does - care about Jesse. But, just like everyone else in the wake of his blood-soaked, meth-fueled destruction, he only cared when that adoration didn't interfere with his own personal gain.

Who played Jesse on Breaking Bad?

  • Jesse Bruce Pinkman is a fictional character in Breaking Bad. Played by Aaron Paul, he is the only character besides Walter White, to appear in every episode of the show.

Who is Jesse in Breaking Bad?

  • Jesse Pinkman. Jesse Bruce Pinkman is a character of the American television drama series Breaking Bad on AMC . He is portrayed by Aaron Paul and was created by series creator Vince Gilligan .

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