What does it mean to condone something?


What does it mean to condone something?

What does it mean to condone something?

Full Definition of condone transitive verb. : to regard or treat (something bad or blameworthy) as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless a government accused of condoning racism condone corruption in politics.

Does condone mean forgive?

overlook Condone means to forgive, overlook, or pardon another person's wrong or illegal action, which makes it appear as if the action is acceptable to the person/entity condoning it.

Is condone good or bad?

V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary Note that condone is not a synonym of approve or accept. Condone is a synonym for excuse, forgive, and overlook. When you condone something, you are allowing bad behavior to take place or you are "looking the other way" instead of acknowledging and punishing the person.

Does condone mean allow?

If you condone something, you allow it, approve of it, or at least can live with it.

How do you use the word condone?

Condone sentence example

  1. The state does not condone violence. ...
  2. The law does not condone the violation of other people's rights. ...
  3. We do not condone any vandalism. ...
  4. We do not condone what they were doing. ...
  5. He does not condone breaking laws, even if the laws are ones that he disagrees with.

Is condone the opposite of condemn?

As verbs the difference between condemn and condone is that condemn is to confer some sort of eternal divine punishment upon while condone is to forgive, excuse or overlook (something).

What does it mean to condone violence?

What does condoning violence against women mean? Condoning violence against women is excusing, downplaying, justifying or denying violence, or blaming the victim rather than the perpetrator.

How do you use condone?

Condone sentence example

  1. The state does not condone violence. ...
  2. The law does not condone the violation of other people's rights. ...
  3. We do not condone any vandalism. ...
  4. We do not condone what they were doing. ...
  5. He does not condone breaking laws, even if the laws are ones that he disagrees with.

Does not condone meaning?

to ignore or accept behavior that some people consider wrong: I don't condone such rude behavior. (Definition of condone from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)6 giorni fa

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