Come si scrive Hakuna Matata?

Come si scrive Hakuna Matata?
Hakuna matata è una locuzione swahili, di uso estremamente comune in molte regioni dell'Africa centro-orientale (in particolare nella zona di Kenya e Tanzania). Una possibile traduzione in lingua italiana è "non ci sono problemi" o "senza pensieri".
Dove si dice Hakuna Matata?
In occidente la frase è stata resa celebre dal film Disney Il re leone (1994). In una celebre scena, un suricato e un facocero, Timon e Pumbaa, insegnano al protagonista Simba la filosofia dell'hakuna matata: dimenticare i problemi del passato e concentrarsi con ottimismo sul presente.
Is there a symbol that means Hakuna Matata?
- Hakuna Matata comes from the Swahili language, which is based on the Latin alphabet. Disney created a glyph (and trademarked it) to represent the saying - it's an extremely popular tattoo image - however, there is no real symbol defining Hakuna Matata.
What does the phrase 'Hakuna Matata' actually mean?
- Hakuna matata. "Hakuna matata" is a Swahili phrase; it means "no worries" (a literal translation might be "there isn't a problem/trouble"). Its meaning is similar to the English phrase "no problem" and is akin to "don't worry, be happy". The phrase is uncommon among native speakers of Swahili in Tanzania, who prefer the phrase "hamna shida" in...
What is the meaning of Akuna Matata?
- " Hakuna-matata " (pronounced [hɑˈkunɑ mɑˈtɑtɑ]) is a Swahili language phrase from East Africa, meaning "no trouble" or "no worries" and "take it easy".(literally hakuna : "there is no/there are no"; matata : "worries".)The 1994 Walt Disney Animation Studios animated film The Lion King brought the phrase to Western prominence in one of its most popular songs, in which it is translated as ...
What is Hakuna Mata?
- Hakuna Matata (song) " Hakuna Matata " is a song from Disney 's 32nd animated feature The Lion King. The song is based on Timon and Pumbaa 's catchphrase in the movie, Hakuna matata, which is a Swahili phrase; it means 'no worries'. It is characterized by its simple 4/4 time, upbeat message and catchy lyrics.