Come recuperare WhatsApp cancellato per sbaglio?

Come recuperare WhatsApp cancellato per sbaglio?
Disinstallate e reinstallate WhatsApp. Quando lo fate, vi verrà chiesto di ripristinare lo storico dei messaggi dal file di backup. Toccate la voce Ripristina e tutto ciò che c'era dall'ultimo backup verrà ripristinato.
Come recuperare WhatsApp sul telefono?
Ripristinare da un backup di Google Drive
- assicurati che il nuovo dispositivo Android sia collegato all'account Google dove hai salvato il backup.
- installa e apri WhatsApp, quindi verifica il tuo numero.
- quando richiesto, tocca RIPRISTINA per ripristinare le chat e i file multimediali da Google Drive.
Come recuperare WhatsApp web?
Se non hai momentaneamente a disposizione il tuo smartphone potrai collegarti a WhatsApp dal Pc tramite WhatsApp Web. In questo caso, effettuato l'accesso dovresti poter visualizzare le conversazioni attive. Cliccando i 3 pallini e, in seguito, scegliendo “Archiviate”, cerca la chat archiviata da ripristinare.
What happens when you uninstall WhatsApp?
- Uninstalling WhatsApp means your account is inactive for a while. Messages sent to you during this period will be queued in server and will be delivered after you re-install WhatsApp application.But this has some time limit.You should reactivate your account within 30 days to retrieve all your messages.
How do I cancel my WhatsApp account?
- Launch the WhatsApp application on your Android device. Tap on the Menu button. Tap Settings. Next, tap Account. Tap “Delete my account”. Now, type your number in the full format (international) Click Delete my account.
What happens when you delete WhatsApp account?
- When you delete your WhatsApp account, a few things happen that remove your presence from the app entirely: Your profile will no longer come up on people's friends lists and groups. Your phone number will also no longer have an association with the company. Your data will theoretically be removed from WhatsApp's servers.
How do you delete messages on WhatsApp?
- Delete WhatsApp Sent Messages – Tap on bin icon and select “DELETE FOR EVERYONE”. Go to the app drawer and open ‘WhatsApp’. Open the chat for the message that you want to delete. Scroll through the chat and long-press on the chat message. Again, keep in mind that you can only delete messages that have been sent in the last 7-minutes.