Come vedere Sky Go su Smart TV?

Come vedere Sky Go su Smart TV?
Come appena accennato, non esiste una soluzione ufficiale per vedere SkyGo su Smart TV o TV non smart, tuttavia è possibile ricorrere a un piccolo stratagemma per risolvere il problema: accedere a Sky Go sul computer e collegare quest'ultimo al televisore.
Come collegare Sky Go dal cellulare alla TV?
Come collegare Sky Go alla TV HDMI
- Fire TV Stick.
- Google Chromecast.
- Funzione Screen Mirroring da tablet e smartphone.
- Utilizzo di un cavo adattatore HDMI da smartphone o tablet verso la TV.
Come vedere Sky Go su TV con chromecast?
avviare l'app Google Home e premere sul tasto menù (quello con le tre linee orizzontali) in alto a sinistra; nel menù scegliere la voce “Trasmetti schermo/audio” poi premere su “Trasmetti schermo/audio” e selezionare il vostro device Chromecast.
Is there a Sky Go app for Android TV?
- Unfortunately, there’s no official Sky Go app for Android TV, Fire TV, or Apple TV devices. You can only get the Sky Go mobile app on Android and iOS smartphones/tablets from their respective app stores. Although many websites claim to have the Sky Go mobile app working on Android TV and Fire TV devices, it’s completely false and misleading.
How do I get Sky Go on my TV?
- Alternatively, you can use an HDMI cable to connect a PC or laptop to your TV for streaming Sky Go channels and VOD content. Even though Sky Go is one of the biggest streaming services in the United Kingdom, the famous pay-TV provider Sky still doesn’t officially support Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Samsung/LG/VIZIO smart TVs.
Can You sideload Sky Go on Android TV and Fire TV?
- While it’s possible to sideload the Sky Go APK file on Android TV and Fire TV, it will simply crash or show you an error message when you try to get past the login screen. Also, a lot of sites trick users into installing a “modded” version of the Sky Go app that apparently works on Android TV and Fire TV devices.
Can I watch Sky Go on my Smart TV with Chromecast?
- There are a few things you need before you can watch Sky Go on your smart TV, and one of them is Chromecast. Whether it’s a dongle solution or your TV has Chromecast built-in, it will be required for mirroring content from the Sky Go app.