Come scaricare WhatsApp italiano?


Come scaricare WhatsApp italiano?

Come scaricare WhatsApp italiano?

Entra su dal tuo cellulare per installare la app. Installando WhatsApp, accetti i nostri Termini e Informativa sulla privacy.

Come faccio ad aprire WhatsApp?

Se hai uno smartphone Android, puoi installare WhatsApp aprendo il Play Store (l'icona del sacchetto bianco con il simbolo “play” verde e rosso presente nella lista delle app installate sul dispositivo) e cercando l'applicazione tramite l'icona della lente d'ingrandimento che si trova in alto a destra.

How do I download WhatsApp on Android?

  • Download WhatsApp for Android in its stable version: Go to Google Play, seek for it in your Android device the icon of Play Store (installed on all Android devices by default) or touch here. In the search box (top, where Google Play) write WhatsApp and CLICK to search. The WhatsApp Messenger application appears, push on it.

How do I get WhatsApp on my computer?

  • Steps to get WhatsApp for Laptop: Open your favorite browser and type- Pickup your smartphone, go to menu and then select “WhatsApp Web”. Scan QR code from on laptop screen and the connection between your smartphone and the Laptop will be established.

How to download WhatsApp?

  • To download and install WhatsApp: Turn on your mobile device and tap Play Store or App Store to launch it. Search for “ WhatsApp Messenger ”. Tap Install (or Get and then Install) beside the WhatsApp program.

Is WhatsApp down right now?

  • WhatsApp is currently down, 4 October 2021 Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram (all owned by Facebook) are down right now in regions across the world. In South Africa #WhatsApp is trending at number one on Twitter (a social media platform, not owned by Facebook, that is working right now!).

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