Dove nasce il stand up paddle?
Dove nasce il stand up paddle?
Hawaii L'attuale forma dello «Stand Up Paddle» – abbreviata in SUP – è nata alle Hawaii. Nei primi tempi del surf moderno, sono state spesso sperimentate tavole di grandi dimensioni mosse con delle pagaie.
Come si chiama lo sport con la tavola e il remo?
Si chiama sup, acronimo di Stand up paddle. Ed è una delle discipline più amate da chi pratica sport in acqua. A metà strada fra canoa e surf, permette di “passeggiare” su laghi, fiumi e mare stando in piedi su una grossa tavola e remando con l'apposita pagaia.
Why choose Aqua bound paddles?
- Our most popular flatwater blade paired with our patented corrosion-free ferrule makes for a winning combination. Here at Aqua Bound, we build all of our paddles to order (much like a fast food restaurant), so paddles do not collect dust or become dated.
Why choose Aqua cycle paddle boats?
- The quality of the Aqua Cycle pontoon paddle boat and the customer service provided by American Pleasure Products is unparalleled. Children, Moms and Dads, and even Grandma and Grandpa can enjoy the great fun of being on the water with Aqua Cycle Paddle Boats.
What is the best flatwater paddle for You?
- Our most popular blade style for flatwater, the Sting Ray Fiberglass offers tight-fitting construction and reliable performance. Here at Aqua Bound, we build all of our paddles to order (much like a fast food restaurant), so paddles do not collect dust or become dated.
What is a “ cosmetic second” paddle?
- The lightweight, low-angle performance paddle that offers the smoothest forward stroke in paddles. The paddle is a “ cosmetic second ”, meaning the entire paddle is 100% structurally sound, but the finish will have slight cosmetic imperfections.