Che cosa si intende per follow up?

Che cosa si intende per follow up?
follow-up Visita di controllo periodica per seguire il decorso di una malattia e verificare l'efficacia delle terapie. follow-up ‹fòlou ḁp› s.
Come scrivere una mail di follow up?
Creare una colonna per ciascuna delle seguenti operazioni:
- Nome del contatto.
- Posizione.
- Nome della società
- Email di contatto.
- Primo appuntamento di follow-up.
- Il prossimo appuntamento di follow-up.
- Data futura di follow-up.
- Note (ad esempio perché sono nella tua lista contatti)
Come ricontattare i clienti?
Ecco cinque passi essenziali per un ricontatto a regola d'arte:
- Obiettivi chiari. Non si spreca, mai, il tempo delle persone. ...
- Umiltà ...
- Puntate a incontrarvi di nuovo. ...
- Puntate all'obiettivo. ...
- Chiedete se dovete smettere.
What is the meaning of following up?
- n. 1. the act of following up. 2. an action or thing that serves to increase the effectiveness of a previous one, as a second or subsequent letter, phone call, or visit. 3. a news story providing additional information on a story or article previously published.
What is the definition of follow up?
- Use follow up in a sentence. noun. The definition of a follow-up is a return to an existing situation or to a situation that is underway in order to determine what the current status is and whether all has been done or is being done.
What does follow up with mean?
- follow up. v. 1. To finish something by means of some final action: They followed the performance up with a stunning encore. The writer followed up his first book with a great sequel. 2. follow up on To enhance the effectiveness of something by means of further action: I followed up on the job interview with an email.
What is another word for followed up?
- follow-up, followup(noun) a piece of work that exploits or builds on earlier work. "his new software is a follow-up to the programs they started with". Synonyms: reexamination, followup, review. follow-up, followup(noun) an activity that continues something that has already begun or that repeats something that has already been done.