Come fatto lo stent?

Come fatto lo stent?
Lo sten viene inserito all'interno delle arterie ostruite con una procedura chirurgica eseguita in genere in anestesia locale. Viene creato un accesso nell'arteria femorale e da lì viene introdotto e fatto procedere nell'arteria un catetere che termina con un palloncino sgonfio attorno cui è collocato lo stent.
Quanto misura uno stent?
Un tipico stent coronarico ha spessore variabile tra 0.056 mm a 0.2 mm, diametro interno prima dell'espansione da 0.99 mm a 1.15 mm, e dopo espansione, il diametro esterno e la lunghezza possono raggiungere rispettivamente valori da 2 mm a 6 mm e da 7 mm a 45 mm.
How long does it take to recover after having a stent?
- In most cases, patients recover from a heart stent and angioplasty quickly. They will usually be discharged from the hospital between 12 and 24 hours following the removal of the catheter. In fact, the majority of patients can go to work within a few days or a week.
How serious is having a stent put in?
- Although drug-eluting stents are generally safe and effective, the most common complications include blood clotting around the stent and re-narrowing of the arteries, called restenosis.
What is the recovery time for stent surgery?
- Ask your doctor when it is safe to. Return to work. Most people are able to return to work within 1 to 2 weeks after an interventional procedure. If you had a heart attack, your recovery may be longer.
Do stents ever need to be replaced?
- The tests may be done to show if your stent has moved out of place. You may also need a follow-up endoscopy if you have cancer, to check for recurrence. If a plastic stent was used, it may need to be replaced every 3 to 4 months. Metal stents normally last twice as long as plastic stents.