Come si chiama la maestra di Matilde sei mitica?

Come si chiama la maestra di Matilde sei mitica?
Jennifer Honey Matilda Wormwood: è una bambina dolce, sensibile, gentile, onesta e coraggiosa, con un'intelligenza fuori dal normale. Ha anche il potere della telecinesi. Alla fine del film viene adottata dalla sua insegnante che diventerà la sua buona madre adottiva. Jennifer Honey: è la maestra di Matilda.
Che genere e Matilde?
Letteratura per ragazzi RomanzoUmorismoNarrativa fantasy Matilde/Generi
Che tipo di libro e Matilde?
Letteratura per ragazzi RomanzoUmorismoNarrativa fantasy Matilde/Generi
Come si dice Matilde o Matilda?
Matilde conta 55.000 omonime e con le varianti supera le 60.000 unità grazie alla ripresa della forma 'Matilda' che è tra i primi 60 nomi nella classifica dei neonati nel 2012.
What is Matilda about Netflix?
- Matilda | Netflix Cursed with a cruel school principal and parents, a little girl discovers her hidden powers -- which she uses to stand up to the bullies in her life. Watch trailers & learn more.
What was the error code for the Matilda movie?
- (Error Code: 102630) This film adaptation of a Roald Dahl work tells the story of Matilda Wormwood, a gifted girl forced to put up with a crude, distant father and mother. This film adaptation of a Roald Dahl work tells the story of Matilda Wormwood, a gifted girl forced to put up with a crude, distant father and mother.
What happens to Matilda in Matilda?
- As time passes, Matilda finally starts school that has a kindly teacher, loyal friends and a sadistic principal. As she gets fed up with the constant cruelty, Matilda begins to realize that she has a gift of telekinetic powers. After some days of practice, Matilda suddenly turns the tables to stand up to her parents and outwit the principal.
What happened to Mara Wilson's mom in Matilda?
- Mara Wilson's mother Suzie Shapiro Wilson died of breast cancer while the movie was being filmed. Mara honored her mother by bravely finishing "Matilda", which was dedicated to her mother's memory. When Miss Trunchbull puts Matilda in the Chokey, she bumps into one of the nails sticking through the door and it shakes like it's rubber.