Come curare la Tillandsia?

Come curare la Tillandsia?
Possono essere annaffiate tramite immersione, specialmente se si tratta di piante di grandi dimensioni. Posizionatele dentro a un recipiente per circa 20 o 30 minuti per far loro assorbire l'acqua necessaria. Successivamente, lasciatele “scolare” prima di rimetterle al loro posto.
Come curare la Tillandsia in casa?
Tenetele al riparo dai raggi diretti del sole, ma qualche ora di luce diretta andrà benissimo (soprattutto per quanto riguarda le tillandsie a foglia grigia). Evitate di nebulizzarle: il calcare presente nell'acqua potrebbe occludere i tricomi grazie a cui riescono a bere.
What does a Tillandsia plant look like?
- Tillandsia harrisii is a small aerial plant with thin and elongated, silvery, pointed leaves that form a dense rosette. It can grow about 6 inches in height and has stems that are about 16 inches long. Once in its lifetime, tillandsia blooms with beautiful funnel-shaped purple flowers surrounded by red, smooth bracts.
How do you propagate Tillandsia harrisii?
- If you have an adult Tillandsia harrisii that has bloomed and given some offsets, you can propagate the plant by separating the offspring from the parent plant. Choose the offsets that are at least half the size of the mother plant since too small ones are less likely to grow individually.
How many pups does a Tillandsia have?
- Tillandsia grow to maturity, bloom, and then die. Before, during, or shortly after blooming, the air plant produces offsets, known as pups. It’s typical for them to produce between two and eight pups. (1)
Should I fertilize my Tillandsia?
- It is certainly not absolutely necessary to fertilize your Tillandsias, but if you do, it will result in a healthier plant, better flower production, and also encourage pups to grow. I use a special fertilizer formulated specifically for Bromeliads (17-8-22), and available on Amazon, called Grow More Bromeliad & Tillandsia Food .