Come curare Caruncola?

Come curare Caruncola?
Le caruncole asintomatiche, in genere, non richiedono alcun trattamento. Nelle pazienti ipoestrogeniche, una crema estrogenica vaginale ovvero locale può contribuire ad alleviare i sintomi; se la sintomatologia persiste, le caruncole possono essere rimosse mediante cauterizzazione, escissione chirurgica o con laser.
Dove si trova l'uretra nelle donne?
Nella donna l'uretra, lunga tra i 3 e i 4 centimetri, è pressoché rettilinea e mette in comunicazione la vescica con il meato uretrale. La sua apertura verso l'esterno del corpo è collocata tra il clitoride e l'orifizio vaginale.
What is the meaning of caruncle?
- The small body at the inner corner of each eye. a small, fleshy swelling, such as the lacrimal caruncle which is the red prominance at the inner corner of the eye. a wart-like growth present on the seeds of some ANGIOSPERMS, such as the castor oil plant, near to the MICROPYLE.
What is the meaning of lacrimal caruncle?
- Anatomical terminology. [edit on Wikidata] The lacrimal caruncle, or caruncula lacrimalis, is the small, pink, globular nodule at the inner corner (the medial canthus) of the eye.
Why is the caruncle so difficult to diagnose?
- On account of the fact that the caruncle harbours skin elements, such as hair follicles, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, and accessory lacrimal tissue, the lesions developing from the caruncle are very diverse, making their clinical diagnosis very difficult.
What type of skin does the caruncle have?
- The caruncle is modified skin, bearing goblet cells, and lacrimal tissue, in addition to hairs, sebaceous, and sweat glands. The epithelium is non-keratinized, stratified squamous similar to the conjunctival epithelium, and the sebaceous glands are like those of the lids and the hairs.