How do I get my photos from Getty Images?


How do I get my photos from Getty Images?

How do I get my photos from Getty Images?


  1. Download Contributor by Getty Images from the App Store or Google Play.
  2. Upload 3 to 6 sample images, illustrations, or videos (via YouTube links)
  3. We'll review your samples and let you know if you're accepted to either Getty Images or iStock by Getty Images.

Is Getty Images good for photographers?

Getty Images Snapshot Is the top world creator and distributor for award-winning still photography as well as videos. Serves top business customers in over 100 countries.

How do you pronounce Getty Images?

0:051:00How To Say Getty - YouTubeYouTube

Are images from Getty Images copyrighted?

When you download a photo, illustration, vector, video or music clip from Getty Images, you're actually buying a licence that gives you rights to use it in your projects. All creative images and some creative videos and editorial images are Royalty-free (RF), which means their price is based on the file size.

Why are Getty Images so expensive?

  • Although Getty Images is known as the highest quality stock photography agency, the main reasons Getty images are so expensive are exclusivity, releases, and indemnification.

How to submit images to Getty?

  • Go to the Getty Images website (see Resources). Scroll over the "Resources" tab, and click on the "Submit Your Work" option under the Community heading. Click on the "Your Images" link in "Work with Us" text box on the top-left hand side of the website.

Are Getty Images copyright free?

  • Every file you download from Getty Images comes with a license, which allows you to use your image, illustration or video for a wide variety of uses in the case of royalty-free licenses, or specific uses based on where, when, and how you use the file in the case of rights-managed editorial images and rights-ready video clips.

Can you use Getty Images?

  • The ONLY way you can use Getty’s images is with a license or if they give it away as a free photo, otherwise you are getting a bill and possible lawsuit.

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