Qual'è l'aspetto principale del cabaret?

Qual'è l'aspetto principale del cabaret?
Il cabaret (o, meno usato, cabarè) è storicamente una forma di spettacolo che combina teatro, canzone, commedia e danza. Nato sul finire del XIX secolo in Francia, si differenzia subito dal café-chantant orientandosi maggiormente verso la sperimentazione di nuovi linguaggi che non sul solo intrattenimento.
What does the word cabaret mean?
- Cabaret(noun) a type of restaurant where liquor and dinner is served, and entertainment is provided, as by musicians, dancers, or comedians, and providing space for dancing by the patrons; -- similar to a nightclub. The term cabaret is often used in the names of such an establishment.
What is cabaret dance?
- Cabaret (English: /kæbəˈreɪ/) is a form of theatrical entertainment featuring music, song, dance, recitation, or drama. It is mainly distinguished by the performance venue, which might be a pub, a restaurant or a nightclub with a stage for performances. The audience, often dining or drinking, does not typically dance but usually sits at tables.
What is the plural of Cabaret?
- Answer. The noun cabaret can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be cabaret . However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be cabarets e.g. in reference to various types of cabarets or a collection of cabarets.
What is a cabaret singer?
- Cabaret singing is the art of fronting a vocal performance in intimate venues of all sizes. It is among the most challenging of all professional music avocations. The successful cabaret artist is more than a vocalist; she is also a performer, often a band leader, and a tireless and savvy performer.