Cosa vuoldire Happy?


Cosa vuoldire Happy?

Cosa vuoldire Happy?

1 (of persons) felice, contento, lieto: I am happy to meet you sono felice di fare la Sua conoscenza. 2 (of things) felice, lieto: happy days giorni lieti; happy ending lieto fine.

Come si scrive Happy?

happy in inglese significa felice e si legge come si scrive, ossia si pronuncia come in italiano. Nell'alfabeto fonetico internazionale (IPA) si scrive ˈhapi.

Come si scrive Happy al plurale?

Felici si traduce sempre con "happy", mi raccomando!

What is the meaning of the word happy?

  • feeling, showing, or causing pleasure or satisfaction: a happy marriage / childhood She looks so happy. School days are said to be the happiest days of your life.

How would you describe your happiness in a sentence?

  • I'm perfectly happy to (= I will willingly) help out. I'm so happy (that) everything is working out for you. Barry seems happy enough work ing for himself. Are you happy about/with (= satisfied with) your new working arrangements?

How do you describe a happy person?

  • Someone who is happy has feelings of pleasure, usually because something nice has happened or because they feel satisfied with their life. Marina was a confident, happy child. I'm just happy to be back running.

What is the meaning of happy childhood?

  • 3a : enjoying or characterized by well-being and contentment is the happiest person I know a happy childhood. b : expressing, reflecting, or suggestive of happiness a happy ending. c : glad, pleased I'm happy to meet you. d : having or marked by an atmosphere of good fellowship : friendly a happy office.

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