Chi erano i paninari negli anni 80?

Chi erano i paninari negli anni 80?
Di Nicola Comparato 8 luglio 2019 - Negli anni '80 a Milano esplose il fenomeno dei "Paninari", gruppi di ragazzi spensierati e senza interessi per la politica, con un proprio gergo, in sella alle loro moto "Zundapp" e "Gilera", amanti dei "Duran Duran" e degli "Spandau Ballet", e vestiti con abiti firmati, quali "Best ...
Che cosa significa paninaro?
– Termine del gergo giovanile, diffusosi negli anni '80 del Novecento a Milano, e poi anche nel resto d'Italia, per indicare gli adolescenti che, simili gli uni agli altri nell'abbigliamento, caratterizzato dall'ostentazione di indumenti e accessorî costosi e alla moda, frequentano abitualmente e in gruppo i fast food ...
What does paninari mean in Italian?
- Paninaro ( Italian pronunciation: [paniˈnaːro]; feminine: Paninara; plural: Paninari; feminine plural: Paninare) is a term that identifies a custom phenomenon born in the eighties in Milan and then spread first in the Milanese metropolitan area and then throughout Italy and the Canton Ticino.
What was the paninari's proudest moment?
- Undoubtedly, the paninari’s proudest moment came in 1986, when the Pet Shop Boys released their song Paninaro, inspired by the subculture.
What do the paninari wear?
- Curiously, however, the paninari do not wear the typical clothing of American yuppies, the young in career, but typical clothing of the American working class such as Timberland boots, Levi's jeans, checkered shirts, boots and belts typical of woodcutters but all strictly branded and very expensive.
What is the female version of a Paninaro?
- The female counterpart of the paninaro is called sfitinzia or squinzia which, according to the dictionaries, can be defined as a girl with a smirk, not very intelligent, flirtatious, often in fashion but according to the original meaning of 1986, written by Lina Sotis, the squinzia is "The most widespread female category of the moment.