Come curare la caladium?
Come curare la caladium?
1_il Caladium ha bisogno di luce diffusa o ombra moderata. Considera che più sono strette le foglie, maggiore è la quantità di luce diretta che può sopportare. 2_Appena compaiono le foglie, mantieni il terreno umido. Non lasciarlo mai asciugare, mantenendo l'umidità più alta possibile.
Quando si piantano i bulbi di caladium?
Piantare bulbi di caladium richiede poco sforzo. Possono essere piantati direttamente in giardino durante la primavera o avviati in casa da quattro a sei settimane prima della data media del gelo.
Come si dividono le calle?
0:162:26Clip suggerito · 54 secondiMoltiplicazione delle calle - - YouTubeYouTube
What does the name Caladium mean?
- Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Caladium (noun) a genus of aroideous plants, of which some species are cultivated for their immense leaves (which are often curiously blotched with white and red), and others (in Polynesia) for food. Etymology: [NL.]
Which caladiums take full sun?
- All caladiums prefer partial shade, but there are some varieties that are happy to grow in in full sun — especially in northern areas where the sun’s rays are less intense. The most sun tolerant caladium varieties include: Aaron, Carolyn Whorton, Florida Cardinal, Florida Sweetheart, Red Flash, Rosebud and White Queen.
Is Caladium annual or perrenal?
- Caladiums are only perennial in USDA Hardiness Zones 9-11. However, they can be grown as annuals or overwintered as tender bulbs. In cooler climates, it helps to give them a headstart by potting them up a month or so before your last frost date, so they will be up and growing when it is time to plant them outdoors.
Is Caladium poisonous to animals?
- Caladium Hortulanum is Poisonous To Pets. Clinical signs include obvious pain and irritation that is generally expressed by violently shaking the head, drooling excessively, pawing at the mouth, gagging, vomiting or dry heaving. The animal may also whine, bark or yelp in an unusually hoarse or weak sounding voice.