Dove si trova la moldava?

Dove si trova la moldava?
(romeno Moldova; A. T., 79-80). - Regione della Romania, compresa tra i Carpazî e il Prut e confinante a nord con la Bucovina, a ovest con la Transilvania, a sud con la Valacchia (Muntenia) e per brevissimo tratto con la Dobrugia, a est con la Bessarabia.
Quanto è lo stipendio di un papà?
Cifre che spingono a chiedersi quanto guadagnano i Papi. Cifra che, volendo, può essere integrata dai diritti dei tanti libri che ha pubblicato come teologo e che ha alimentato pure una fondazione che sostiene gli studi teologici. Francesco, invece, non riceve nessuno stipendio.
What is the meaning of Moldavia?
- Moldavia (Romanian: Moldova, pronounced or Țara Moldovei (in Romanian Latin alphabet), literally The Moldavian Country; in old Romanian Cyrillic alphabet: Цара Мѡлдовєй) is a historical region and former principality in Central and Eastern Europe, corresponding to the territory between the Eastern Carpathians and the Dniester River.
What are the key facts of Moldova?
- Moldova is a small Eastern European country with an area of 33,846 km2 (13,068 sq mi) including the disputed territory of Transnistria. Excluding it, Moldova occupies an area of 29,683 km2 (11,461 sq mi). As observed on the physical map of Moldova, the country has a hilly terrain with a subtle slope south toward the Black Sea.
What is the etymology of the name Moldova?
- Name and etymology. The names Moldavia and Moldova are derived from the name of the Moldova River; however, the etymology is not known and there are several variants: a legend mentioned in Descriptio Moldaviae by Dimitrie Cantemir links it to an aurochs hunting trip of the Maramureș voivode Dragoș and the latter's chase of a star-marked bull.
What is the Human Development Index in Moldova?
- Although Moldova has a relatively high Human Development Index, it is the lowest in the continent, ranking 90th in the world. Moldova is a parliamentary republic with a president as head of state and a prime minister as head of government.