Cosa vuol dire carcinoma in situ?

Cosa vuol dire carcinoma in situ?
Il carcinoma duttale e il carcinoma lobulare al seno si definiscono in situ quando sono confinati all'area da cui hanno avuto origine: rispettivamente i dotti galattofori e i lobuli. Benché siano accomunati da questa caratteristica, sono due entità molto diverse.
Che cosa vuol dire in situ?
- [sul luogo stesso: indagini in situ] ≈ in loco, sul posto. in situ locuz. lat.
What does carcinoma in situ mean?
- Carcinoma in situ refers to a group of abnormal cells that have not spread from the location where they first formed, although they may later spread into normal tissue and become cancer. Carcinoma in situ, also called in situ cancer, is different from invasive carcinoma, which has spread to surrounding tissue, and from metastatic carcinoma, ...
Is carcinoma in situ 100 percent curable?
- When cancers are found at this stage, they should theoretically be 100 percent curable. That said, not all cancers have a CIN stage. Microscopic Appearance. The diagnosis of carcinoma in situ must be made is under the microscope, where it defined by the presence of cancer cells.
What is squamous cell carcinoma in situ of the cervix?
- For example, squamous cell carcinoma in situ of the cervix would represent a cancer that had started in squamous cells which line the cervix and has not yet become invasive.
What should I do if my in-situ carcinoma extends to the ink?
- If an abnormal growth (ie. in-situ carcinoma) extends to the ink, it indicates that it may not have been completely removed. Typically additional treatment (surgery, radiation, or hormone therapy) is used to get rid of the residual DCIS. Management of DCIS at a margin is best discussed with your treating physician.