Quando il varicocele deve essere operato?

Quando il varicocele deve essere operato?
L'indicazione al trattamento chirurgico è data dall'andrologo principalmente quando il varicocele è associato ad alterazione dello spermiogramma o a dolore a livello testicolare.
Come si scopre il varicocele?
La diagnosi Per diagnosticare il varicocele è indispensabile una visita dello specialista. Tra gli esami che potrebbero venire richiesti figurano l'ecografia testicolare con doppler dei vasi spermatici, per definire l'entità del reflusso venoso, e lo spermiogramma per stimare un'eventuale diminuzione della fertilità.
How does a varicocele affect your sperm count?
- When a varicocele develops in your scrotum, it can block blood flow to the rest of your reproductive system. The scrotum is the sac that contains your testicles. Because blood can’t return to your heart through these veins, blood pools in the scrotum and the veins become abnormally large. This can decrease your sperm count.
What are varicoceles of the pampiniform?
- Varicoceles are abnormal dilatations of the pampiniform venous plexus. They are classified as primary or secondary, depending on their cause, and staged clinically on the basis of their extension and on the presence or the absence of spontaneous or induced reversal of blood flow.
What is the normal size of a varicocele?
- The vessel caliber thresholds used by different authors to define varicocele vary from 2 to 3 mm [12]. Under baseline conditions, blood flow may be too slow to be detected by CDUS, but during the Valsalva maneuver the varicocele enlarges and flow reversal becomes evident.
What imaging is used to diagnose varicocele?
- Diagnostic imaging plays a fundamental role in the diagnosis and staging of varicoceles. Ultrasonography, color Doppler ultrasound (CDUS), and phlebography are all used for this purpose [3,5,6]. CDUS is currently considered the gold-standard method for the assessment of varicoceles.