Quanto costa l'ultimo modello del Bimby?

Quanto costa l'ultimo modello del Bimby?
1.359 euro La scelta dell'acquisto potrebbe essere in dubbio per via del prezzo dell'elettrodomestico. Il recente Bimby, modello TM5, viene venduto intorno ai 1.200 euro. Il modello Bimby TM6 costa 1.359 euro.
How much does a Thermomix cost?
- Thermomix® TM6™. $1,499.00. Bread: Pay over time. 20 culinary functions and techniques. The Thermomix® TM6 features the following new functions accessible with the touch of a button: Slow Cooking for succulent pulled pork. High Temperature for caramelizing sugar.
Should you buy the Thermomix TM6 machine?
- If your recipe leaves burnt food remnants or bits of doughy pastry behind, the machine also has an integrated rinse and wash function so you can pre-wash the tools you’ve used. At nearly $1,500, the Thermomix TM6 isn’t cheap, but given that it eliminates the need for other appliances, the super-efficient machine makes a compelling argument.
What do you use your Thermomix for?
- It replaces my cooking pots, blender, scale, whisk, rice cooker, grinder and yogurt maker. This item is way overpriced on Amazon. I recommend you find a Thermomix direct sales consultant and get it for about $400 less.
How easy is the Thermomix to clean?
- The Thermomix is super easy to clean and, apart from the base, is wholly dishwasher proof. The jug and blades come apart with ease, but watch what you’re doing as the blades are extremely sharp and require careful handling.