Cosa vuol dire Steins Gate?

Cosa vuol dire Steins Gate?
Steins;Gate citato da Okabe è scritto [運命石の扉] che in giapponese significa letteralmente “la porta di pietra del destino”, ma che si legge furigana (tra parentesi) sutainzugeeto.
Quanti episodi ha Steins Gate?
26 Steins;Gate/Numero di puntate
Quanti volumi ha Steins Gate zero?
Steins;Gate 0 | |
シュタインズ・ゲート ゼロ (Shutainzu Gēto Zero) | |
Editore it. | Edizioni BD - J-Pop |
1ª edizione it. | 11 novembre 2020 |
Volumi it. | 6 (completa) |
Come finisce Steins Gate 0?
Imperversa una battaglia tra Suzuha e Kagari, che finendo l'una con la pistola puntata verso l'altra si vedono fermate da Mayuri, che si interpone prontamente tra le due pistole. Kagari decide di porre fine a tutti quegli spargimenti di sangue e sotto proposta di Suzuha potrebbe andare con loro nel futuro.
Quanti volumi ha Steins Gate 0?
Steins;Gate 0 | |
シュタインズ・ゲート ゼロ (Shutainzu Gēto Zero) | |
Editore it. | Edizioni BD - J-Pop |
1ª edizione it. | 11 novembre 2020 |
Volumi it. | 6 (completa) |
Will Steins Gate have a second season?
- There are 2 seasons of Steins;Gate. Since the theme of the series primarily revolves around making decisions (and time travel) and the aftermath of those, most viewers face confusion towards the end of the first season. The OVAs and the movie also play important roles in portraying the plot.
What order do I watch Steins Gate?
- The order that I'd recommend to watch the series in would be to first start with the first 24 episodes, then the episode 25 ova, the movie, the alternative ending (known as 23 beta), then finally Steins;Gate 0. The shorts are just little extras for your own entertainment after the main series, so it doesn't matter when you watch them.
What is the plot of Steins Gate?
- Steins;Gate (シュタインズ・ゲート, Shutainzu Gēto) is a Japanese visual novel developed by 5pb and Nitroplus . The story of Steins;Gate takes place in Akihabara and is about a group of friends who have customized their microwave into a device that can send text messages to the past.
Where to watch Steins Gate?
- Huli is another streaming site where you can watch Steins Gate. Unfortunately, Hulu is only available in America. If you stay outside the USA, you can watch Steins Gate without VPN. So, to watch the series from both Netflix and Hulu, VPN is mandatory.