Come installare app SuperEnalotto?

Come installare app SuperEnalotto?
L'app SuperEnalotto è disponibile nell'App Store per iPhone, iPad e iPod Touch, e sul Play Store di Google per i dispositivi Android. Per scaricarla, clicca sull'apposito pulsante qui sotto e poi su “SCARICA”, oppure il simbolo Download (dispositivi iOS) o “Installa” (Android).
Qual'è l'app del SuperEnalotto?
L'App ufficiale SuperEnalotto è gratis, facile da scaricare e usare, disponibile per smartphone e tablet Apple e Android. In pochi passaggi è possibile mettere in gioco la propria combinazione preferita e controllare l'esito della giocata direttamente dal proprio device.
Can you play Super Ena lotto online?
- Best of all, you can now play Super Ena lotto online, from the privacy of your own home without even being Italian (loving pasta passionately doesn’t count). Choose your numbers, start dreaming about your new life (possibly as an Italian) and just watch those jackpots grow.
What is SuperEnalotto and how to play?
- SuperEnalotto is an Italian lottery best known for its huge jackpots, which are guaranteed at a minimum of €2 million and can grow above €100 million. Draws take place on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings at 20:00 in Rome, with players attempting to match all six numbers drawn from a pool of 90 to win the jackpot.
How do I view past and historical SuperEnalotto results?
- Select the Draw Details link next to each result to view prizes awarded and winners in that particular draw. Results for the past 90 days are displayed. If you would like to view historical SuperEnalotto results, select a year below for more information.
When does the SuperEnalotto raffle take place?
- The SuperEnalotto Raffle is back for summer and is set to give away 100 prizes of €100,000. The big event, known as ‘Estate 100x100’, will take place on Saturday 26th June. Find the latest results and information on how to play the other popular lotteries Italy has to offer.