Come finisce la serie The Mysteries of Laura?


Come finisce la serie The Mysteries of Laura?

Come finisce la serie The Mysteries of Laura?

In questo finale della seconda ed ultima stagione: Laura e la squadra sono convinti che sia stato Jimmy Chun a commissionare l'omicidio di Nancy Santiani, ma che, in realta', la vittima designata doveva essere Laura.

Dove vedere The Mysteries of Laura?

Mysteries of Laura - RETEQUATTRO | Mediaset Infinity.

Quante stagioni di The Mysteries of Laura?

2 The Mysteries of Laura/Numero di stagioni

Will there be a season 3 of 'mysteries of Laura'?

  • The Mysteries of Laura showrunner Jeff Rake revealed would-be Season 3 plot details to Deadline after the cancellation. The Season 3 premiere would have seen Jake's girlfriend, Jen ( Jenna Fischer ), return the ring and end their engagement.

What is the mystery of Laura about?

  • The Mysteries of Laura. A New York City homicide detective cracks case after case while raising wild twin boys and locking horns with her less than helpful police detective ex-husband.

What happened to Jake and Laura on mysteries of Laura?

  • Season two of The Mysteries of Laura finished on a major cliffhanger, with Laura (Messing) trying to stop her ex-husband Jake (Lucas) from proposing to his new girlfriend (Jenna Fischer). Sadly, Laura arrived just a moment too late, and the season ended with Jake getting engaged.

Is Debra Messing leaving mysteries of Laura?

  • The Mysteries of Laura premiered in 2014 and aired its Season 2 finale in March. Debra Messing, who played the title character, Det. Laura Diamond, confirmed the news Saturday on Twitter. The series co-starred Josh Lucas as Laura's ex-husband, Cpt. Jake Broderick, and ended on a cliffhanger for their possible reconciliation.

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