Cosa fare in caso di test HIV positivo?
Cosa fare in caso di test HIV positivo?
Una delle prime cose che dovresti fare dopo aver ricevuto un esito positivo è quella di recarti in un Centro Clinico con un reparto di Malattie Infettive, per una prima visita specialistica....L'Hiv può trasmettersi solo e soltanto attraverso i seguenti liquidi biologici:
- sangue.
- sperma e secrezioni vaginali.
- latte materno.
Quali analisi fare per HIV?
Il test HIV più comunemente utilizzato viene eseguito con il metodo ELISA: è anche indicato come test "HIV-Ab" (dove "Ab" sta per Antibody, cioè anticorpo) e rivela la presenza nel sangue di anticorpi "anti-HIV", prodotti dall'organismo per contrastare il virus.
What does it mean if someone tests positive for HIV?
- If someone tests positive for HIV, it's considered a preliminary positive result. A second confirmation test is needed to confirm an initial HIV-positive diagnosis. The only way to know if someone has HIV is through testing. An HIV-positive diagnosis is made after HIV antibodies and/or antigens are detected in the body.
What does an HIV-post diagnosis mean?
- An HIV-post diagnosis means that you have been given an HIV test, either in the form of a blood or saliva test, and that it has confirmed the presence of HIV in your body. The tests detect either HIV antibodies (which the body produces in the presence of HIV) or HIV antigens (proteins on the surface of the virus).
What is confidential testing for HIV?
- These tests are not available at every place that provides HIV testing. Confidential testing means that your name and other identifying information will be attached to your test results. The results will go in your medical record and may be shared with your health care providers and your health insurance company.
What does a preliminary HIV test result mean?
- An initial HIV-positive test result is preliminary. That means the person who tests positive needs a follow-up test to confirm the result. Some people who initially test negative for HIV could test positive in the follow-up test. That's because it takes time for the body to produce a detectable amount of antibodies.