Quanti sono i Patronus?


Quanti sono i Patronus?

Quanti sono i Patronus?

L'impressionante elenco proviene da questo articolo di Reddit: Pottermore Patronus test - all possible questions, e per ora conta la bellezza di 141 diversi Patronus!

Perché Piton e Lily avevano lo stesso Patronus?

Il Patronus di Piton è identico a quello di Lily a causa del suo amore segreto per lei, cominciato quando non erano che bambini. La forma del Patronus di Tonks cambiò nel 1996.

Chi ha come Patronus il cervo?

Il cervo è il Patronus di Harry e James Potter (nonché Animagus di quest'ultimo). Il cervo rappresenta l'amicizia e l'amore legato al desiderio, anche rischiando di morire nel tentativo di proteggerlo (e già qualcosa inizia a quadrare).

What is every Harry Potter character's Patronus?

  • All The Known Patronus Forms of The Harry Potter Characters Harry Potter's Patronus is a stag, just like his dad. Hermione's Patronus takes the shape of an Otter. Ron Weasley's Patronus Is a Jack Russell Terrier. Albus Dumbledore's Patronus is, shockingly, a Phoenix. Luna Lovegood's Patronus takes the form of a Hare. Ginny Weasley's Patronus is a Horse.

What does the Patronus Charm do in Harry Potter?

  • The Patronus Charm was one of the most memorable spells in the Harry Potter series. The spell is one of the most powerful defense charms, particularly against Dementors , and as a bonus it reveals each wizard's spirit animal. Here's a breakdown of the Patronus Charm and how Harry Potter fans can identify their personal version of the spell.

What animal is your Harry Potter Patronus?

  • Harry Potter (Stag) Harry Potter's took the form of a stag. ...
  • Hermione Granger (Otter) Hermione Granger's took the form of an otter. ...
  • Ron Weasley (Jack Russell Terrier) Ron Weasley's took the form of a Jack Russell Terrier. ...
  • James Potter (Stag) James Potter's took the form of a Stag. ...
  • Lily Potter (Doe) Lily Potter's took the form of a Doe. ...

What determines your Patronus in Harry Potter?

  • The other way to choose which Patronus players will unlock in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is by having one Attribute level higher than the others. This will determine which species players will get of a specific animal type, but players can still choose which kind of animal they will unlock for their Patronus.

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